Social Media

SPU的社交媒体平台由大学传播部的工作人员维护. 如果你在自己的社交媒体频道上发帖,记得标记SPU. 有关SPU社交媒体平台的问题,请联系社交媒体专家Kelsey Chuang


SPU has two main Facebook pages:

Seattle Pacific University: 
  • Primary page.
  • 22.8k likes and 23k followers. (12/22)

Seattle Pacific University-Alumni:

  • 4.6k likes and 4.6k followers (12/22)
  • Maintained by Alumni, Parents, and Family Relations.
  • Alumni-centered news and events.
  • 主要受众:应届毕业生、准毕业生和应届毕业生.
  • Demographics: Ages 18–60.
  • Mainly used among students for group functionality, group messaging, connecting/re-connecting, mass content (good/bad/etc.而Instagram只是一张主照片,或者最多10张照片,可以总结一天或一件事.)
  • Content: Posts include news, academic information, videos, events, campus photos, student features, alumni achievements, and thoughtful pieces about faith and culture.

如果你想了解更多网易彩票appFacebook付费广告(针对目标受众的付费推广), contact your University Communication specialist.


Main audience: 现在的、未来的和最近的毕业生,超过9000名粉丝(12月22日)
Ages 13–29

  • 目标:通过创建和发布内容来吸引和告知网易彩票app的受众,从而建立和管理SPU的存在.
  • Content: Relevant to SPU (faith, academics, Seattle, students), students’ interests, and represents various aspects of campus/student life. Content encompasses real-time updates and coverage, authenticity, diversity, social media trends, creativity, and the vibrant SPU community.
  • 个性化的(滚动/关注)feed设计与用户的兴趣.) Content is varied and high quality. 不觉得观众被广告或文章垃圾邮件.
  • 由大学传播社会媒体专家Kelsey Chuang和学生实习生维护.

如果你有Instagram接管或跨渠道发布的想法, contact Kelsey Chuang in University Communications.


Channel: pacific university
Main audience: 现在的,最近的毕业生,校友,研究生,捐赠者. 34k followers (12/22)

  • 当涉及到企业对企业的社交媒体营销的第一平台.
  • Known for connecting professionals.
  • Content: Grad programs, Faith & Co.,校园网易彩票下载或更新,工作列表,校友故事,即将举行的活动/讲座, SPU Voices Podcast, faculty news, alumni news, research articles, videos relevant to all of SPU’s audience, athletic achievements.



@SeattlePacific — For all news, events, photos, of interest to SPU. 这个账户由家长、校友、一些学生和当地组织组成.

@SPUnews -致力于网易彩票下载,突发网易彩票下载和当前信息. 主要受众:应届毕业生、准毕业生、应届毕业生、教职员工.

Demographics: Ages 18–49
  • 这两个帐户都由大学通讯公司维护.
  • Stories from SPU Stories and most campus public events are tweeted, 但是频道总是在寻找有趣的校园网易彩票下载.
  • 如果你有一个包含事件信息的网站,在Twitter上分享信息会更容易. (A public facing Facebook page will also work.)
  • Always looking for SPU-related photos.

内容发布频率:每天至少三个tweet, 根据用户查看Twitter的时间和他们最有可能参与的时间来安排.

  • 8 a.m. Older audience (e.g., parents, alumni, faculty, donors), so anything related to campus news/updates, grad programs, alumni SPU Stories articles, job listings, podcasts, upcoming campus speakers/lectures, donation days, #TBT pictures, retiring faculty info, Faith & Co. videos, or general information, research articles/achievements by SPU faculty, holidays, encouraging Bible verse, etc.
  • 12 p.m. Mix of older and younger audience (e.g.,在读学生,SPU应届毕业生,准毕业生):校园活动(Sacred Sounds, theatre department plays, concerts), campus lectures, 西雅图可探索的景点(不一定与西雅图大学有关,但可以展示西雅图是一个多么神奇的城市), 当地的咖啡店/餐馆/人们可以去的地方, sports achievements, student achievements (i.e., nursing students partnered with REST, 去年,一个非营利组织为医疗保健提供者创建了一个工具包), campus photos, re-tweeting other SPU program/department tweets, available majors, etc.
  • 6 p.m. 年轻观众(在校学生,本科生):西雅图冒险, SPU Stories articles, financial aid info, YouTube视频来自SPU频道(网易彩票appSPU视频或资源视频, such as study tables, residence hall tours, campus tours), playlists from the SPU Spotify channel, social media hashtag holidays, 任何以同学为特色的内容或与学生相关的内容或他们关心的东西. (避免定期发布回顾视频,除非同一事件即将发生,并且你正在使用视频来推广该事件。).


Main audience: Current, prospective, and recent graduates
Demographics: Ages 18–29

  • Second most popular search engine next to Google.
  • 业务板有两个通道:主通道大于11个,000 subscribers and is used for brand marketing; the second channel houses videos of faculty introductions of program, lectures, website videos, chapels, etc.
  • Content: 视频主要属于不同的播放列表,包括About SPU/Our Story, Falcon Feature/Student Life (event recaps, student interviews), Academic Rigor, Dorm Tours, FAQs. Why Choose SPU
  • Videos are produced by outside video production companies or in-house. The playlists also include organic videos by students.

Creating a new YouTube channel is not encouraged. 要上传内容到SPU的现有帐户,请联系您的大学传播专家.


Main audience: Prospective and current students
Demographics: Ages 13–17

  • Launched in summer 2016.
  • 4,421 friends.
  • More real/raw self projection.
  • Less social pressure to portray “cool” image; more casual and fun.
  • Creating the story of a day in your life.
  • Instant access to real-time updates.
  • 主要用于通过网易彩票app的第三方广告代理商对潜在学生进行广告宣传.
  • 会把发在Instagram上的故事转发到Snapchat上吗.
  • 由社会媒体专家Kelsey Chuang和学生实习生维护.

If you have ideas for Snapchat, contact Kelsey Chuang.


Main audience: Current and prospective students
Demographics: Ages 18-24

  • Spotify is a digital music, podcast, 以及视频流媒体服务,让用户可以访问来自世界各地艺术家的数百万首歌曲.
  • 播放音乐或创建播放列表等基本功能是免费的.
  • Spotify用户平均每天听音乐的时间超过两个小时.
  • 首尔大学一直在利用Spotify,在下雪等各种活动中,利用学生们推荐的歌曲制作播放列表, finishing college applications, studying, summer drives, devotionals, Christmas, and more.
  • 播放列表是由社交媒体专家Kelsey Chuang和一名实习生创建的.
  • UC能够在SPU Spotify平台上帮助推广和展示其他部门的播放列表.


Main Audience: Prospective and current students
Demographics: Ages 13-24

由社交媒体专家Kelsey Chuang和一名学生实习生维护.

  • Content: Often, 最基本和最有趣的概念是最成功的(例如:假唱模仿), and short dance challenges). 在现有的趋势(包括标签)上加入你自己独特和相关的观点,更有可能成功.
  • TikTok是一个视频分享网络,吸引了z世代和千禧一代. Tools for video editing (filters, backgrounds, stickers, captioning, trimming, music) are all available within the app. TikTok最大的吸引力在于它可以发布任何内容:幽默、爱好、音乐等. 创造易于分享或再创造的微娱乐.